8 April 2020
In an endeavor submitted on behalf of the President of the Commission for Exceptional Situations and the minister of Justice, People's Advocates draw attention upon the fact that, in the case of the spread of the epidemic in prisons, the situation will not be under control at all. The medical units in the prisons have…
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30 March 2020
The People’s Advocate calls on the president of the National Commission for Exceptional Situations to take additional measures to protect the prison staff and prisoners in the context of COVID-19 infection. In an approach sent on behalf of the Prime Minister and the President of the National Commission for Exceptional Situations, Ion Chicu, the People’s…
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25 March 2020
In the approaches sent on behalf of the Attorney General, Alexandr Stoianoglo, and the Interim President of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Luiza Gafton, the People's Advocate calls for the application during the state of emergency of alternative measures to detention for the categories of less serious crimes, targeting people aged over 50 and with…
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13 September 2019
Angajatele serviciilor speciale din sistemul penitenciar, au participat la un atelier de instruire la tema „Asigurarea drepturilor omului în sistemul penitenciar. Mecanisme de prevenire a torturii și relelor tratamente” la Centrul de instruire al ANP. Alexandru Zubco, formator OAP, șeful Direcției prevenirea torturii a inițiat participantele în domeniul drepturilor omului și principiilor fundamentale; mecanismele internaționale,…
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13 June 2019
Employees of People’s Advocate Office have verified the allegations of maltreatment which would have been applied to Gherghe Petic in the Penitentiary no. 13. It was found that they partially have been confirmed – detention conditions in the basement of this penitentiary institution, including the cell in which Gheorghe Petic is being held, contrary to…
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