8 May 2024
Today, 8 May 2024, we mark a significant moment in the promotion and protection of human rights in the Republic of Moldova with the official launch of the Council of Europe Project “Support to the People’s Advocate Office in the protection of human rights in the Republic of Moldova- Phase I”. This project stands for…
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26 April 2024
A apărut numărul ianuarie-martie 2023 al Buletinului Informativ al Oficiului Avocatului Poporului. Buletinul prezintă informații esențiale din activitatea Oficiului Avocatului Poporului: promovarea drepturilor omului, prevenirea torturii, dezvoltarea parteneriatelor, raportările naționale și internaționale, politici publice și drepturilor copilului. Un capitol aparte în Buletin trece în revistă activitatea Ombudsmanului în domeniul monitorizării prevenirii încălcării drepturilor persoanelor refugiate din Ucraina.…
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4 December 2023
Avocatul Poporului de comun cu Consiliul pentru Egalitate solicită susținerea Guvernului pentru majorarea salariului angajaților Instituțiilor Naționale pentru Protecția Drepturilor Omului în contextul proiectului de modificare a Legii bugetului pentru anul 2023, care va fi votat în Guvern pe 31 mai. Modificările se referă în special la majorarea salariilor la ministere și la unele instituții…
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14 September 2023
The People's Advocate sent two requests to the Secretary General of the United Nations and the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe in order to fulfill his mandate. The requests informed the high officials about the current situation regarding the respect of human rights in the Transnistrian region. The Ombudsman also communicated…
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11 August 2023
In the first half of 2023, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Moldova continued to carry out a careful and exhaustive analysis of the way in which the national public authorities managed the situation of foreign refugees on the territory of the country as a result of the armed conflict in Ukraine. As a result…
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15 December 2022
The People’s Advocate Office have signed the Memorandum of Understanding on complaints mechanisms related to actions carried out by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex in the Republic of Moldova, based on the ‘Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on operational activities carried out by the European Border and…
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12 April 2022
As the authority responsible for ensuring whistleblower protection in Moldova, the People’s Advocate of Moldova created a form for submitting request and alerts on their website. Through this, whistleblowers can liaise with the NHRI on reviewing their case. In 2020, the People’s Advocate received two complaints concerning retaliatory measures following disclosures of illegal practices. In both cases, the NHRI confirmed their…
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4 March 2022
The People's Advocate Office and the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality PUBLIC CALL on the cessation of the use of xenophobic discourse In connection with the appearance, in the information space, of statements, comments and opinions addressed to refugees and representatives of different ethnic and linguistic groups, People's Advocate Office and…
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26 February 2022
UN Human Rights Chief urges an immediate halt to the Russian Federation’s military action against Ukraine Русский GENEVA (24 February 2022) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Thursday said she was deeply alarmed about the Russian Federation’s military attack against Ukraine. “Civilians in various parts of Ukraine were awoken by sounds…
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25 February 2022
ATTENTION In the context of establishing the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova, we inform: The People's Advocate Office in the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova will continue its activity of monitoring the observance of human rights. All persons, including citizens of Ukraine who are facing problems related to human…
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25 February 2022
People's Advocate Ceslav Panico sent a message of support to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Liudmyla Denisova: Dear Commissioner, The entire team of the People's Advocate Office and I personally strongly support the Ukrainian people in these difficult times and unprecedented military aggression by Russia against Ukraine. Certainly, support your call on international human rights…
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25 February 2022
People’s Advocate Ceslav Panico sent a Letter to High Commissioner of Human Rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalikova with the urge for High Commissioner of Human Rights, the institution that she leads, to make utmost efforts and use all available leverage in order to help to put an end to the military conflict on the territory of…
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